Friday, February 16, 2007

MIYB 4 (2 Week Countdown)

Today's MIYB Project will focus on a few links to get us thinking, and rethinking about our fundraiser scheduled in 2 weeks.

Here are the links:

Xingbake (Scroll down to the entry made on Jan 04, 2006)

Kieron1 (From the artist)
Kieron2 (News story)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Marvin's Internet Scavenging Puzzle

My best friend managed to get me tickets for a Broadway musical. (I love Broadway musicals!) I, however, am a complete Forgetful Jones when it comes to details and I cannot--for the life of me--remember the name of the theater or even the musical. The show starts in 45 minutes, and all I can remember is that it's supposed to be like the prequel to "The Wizard of Oz." Can you find the theater, AND transportation directions from the Harbor? (1 East 104th Street, New York, NY 10029)

(Workshop) Searching the Internet


The internet is a remarkable tool that you can readily use to sort through and retrieve information from around the globe. Websites today come with all sizes and types of files, and many of the more popular sites--like YouTube and MySpace--are updated hundreds of times daily. These means that when you logon to these sites, you are likely to find up-to-date information; however, when you don't know exactly where to go, the fact that these sites are updated so regularly can be a problem for someone trying to search through what's out there right now.


Here are some questions we will ask ourselves today:
  1. How do we search the internet for information?
  2. When we look online, do we rely only on one site like Yahoo! or Google to find information on the web?
  3. Do we use special functions or symbols to help with our searching? What are the special functions/symbols we can use?
  4. What other tools are out there?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Completing the Cover Letter

Today, at First Work, we will be working to complete the cover letters that we began last week. Linked to this blog entry are two worksheets that we will use to check over our cover letters as we ready them for sending.

Students who have completed and blogged their cover letters as of 02/06/07: Krystal, John, and Tiffany.

(NOTE: Students wrote these, their first cover letters, as a future version of themselves, post training. As part of their First Work internships, however, students will need to complete a cover letter that is written from their current experience and speaks to their immediate goal of acquiring an internship position.)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Creating an Individual Employment Plan

Today we will be working on putting together individual employment plans (IEPs) that will lay out for us our work goals and ways to get there.

The IEP will be broken up into three main components:
  1. History (Job, Work, Education, etc.)
  2. Skills/Needs (Personal Budgets, a List of Marketable Skills, a List of Services Sought)
  3. Goals/Plans (Future Goals and Milestones, Methods of Attaining these Goals)