Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Today’s Computer Literacy Lesson

Objectives: (1) To re-familiarize ourselves with blogging. (2) To create an appealing ad that shows off our best, most work-appropriate face!

Terms: Blogging, Font Style, Picture Format

Getting Started:
Advertisements are everywhere. You probably passed ten on your way to First Work today. Some you noticed, others you may have power-walked past without batting an eye. Here are some questions to help us focus on what today will be about:

  1. Think about one of the ads you can remember seeing today or in the recent past. (If one doesn't readily come to mind, choose one of the two provided below.) What was it about the ad that made you notice it?
  2. Did it appeal to your interests? If so, which ones? Why are these appealing for you?
    Did the ad you picked advertise something you were looking to buy? Did this have an impact on the ad’s effectiveness on you?
  3. How would you describe the ad's presentation? (Think about use of lines, colors, pictures, etc.) What is the role of presentation in the ad’s overall impact?

    Examples of Ads:

How you advertise yourself
In the same way as we see only the ads that appeal to us, interviewers and job recruiters will pass up all the candidates that don't show them an image that they want to see. This doesn't mean that if you're not a certain type of person from birth that you have zero chances of ever getting a job you want. What this means is that, instead, we must do a few things when we are serious about work.

  1. (Interpret) First, we need to think about your potential employer and think from his/her perspective. (Who are you trying to work for, and what are they looking for? Read into the want ad or the company and make your best guess as to what they really want.)
  2. (Reflect) Next, find the things inside you that match the image of what your potential employer wants to see--and bring that to the surface; focus on all the things that prove that you are an exact match. (Does your employer want someone who is responsible? Then focus on all the times you showed this and bring this aspect to the foreground. Does your employer want someone who is good with math? Focus on the times where you have proven that this, indeed, is you!)
  3. (Apply) Most importantly, learn to recognize where you cannot match the image of what an employer wants and act on it. (Maybe you are thinking of applying to a challenging job in public relations and don’t feel that you have enough experience in speaking to do the public speaking part well. This might mean that you decide to get some more experience before you seriously try for the job, that you decide to practice speaking with strangers, or it may mean that you need to try to find a job that better matches your needs. It’s not about being pessimistic here; it’s about being realistic!)

Today's Assignment
Moving onto today's assignment, read over these three job descriptions listed below.

Seeking F/T security guard for high vol
clothing store in Mid- town Manhttn.
Benefits incl. Call Steve 917 XXX XXXX

Wanted: P/T sales rep for a small internet
company. No exp req'd, but must be willing
to travel. 212 XXX XXXX.
Seeking PT/FT wait staff for small family diner
on Upper West Side. Prev exp prefrd. Call Maria

Pick one of these three to try to "apply to" follow the following procedure.

A) Go through the three steps (Interpret-Reflect-Apply) listed above for your chosen ad, and make a list of things your employer would want, things that you can show in your experience, and things that you may need to work on for that particular job. Discuss your lists in groups. Is everyone in agreement? Did you perhaps miss anything that would be a necessary skill for your job? Did someone suggest something that you hadn't thought about? Add that to your list.

(This is the fun part:)

B) Brainstorm a posed picture of yourself that shows all those aspects that you just discussed in your group. This picture should convey something, not just show your pearliest smile. Be creative!

C) Log onto your First Work blogs and import your picture into a "sales ad" entry selling yourself! I will be around to explain how to go about this, during session, but don't be afraid to use each other as resources, too!

Links to Student “Self-Ads”:

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